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Paip Air HDPE Untuk Memastikan Penggunaan Kesan Saluran Paip


Sejak awal abad ke-90, negara ini dengan kuat menerapkan paip plastik, dan merumuskan serangkaian kebijakan, sistem, piawaian, tetapi juga mengumpulkan banyak pengalaman. Perkembangan hingga kini, sudah mempunyai standard produk yang sempurna, kaedah pengujian dan cara pengujian, spesifikasi kejuruteraan pembinaan HDPE Water Pipe, dll., Sehingga bersetuju dengan spesifikasi produk dan petunjuk kualiti, untuk mencapai pertukaran produk. Ini menunjukkan bahawa pengembangan saluran paip telah memasuki tahap matang, kualiti produk dan kualiti pembinaan terjamin, sehingga memastikan penggunaan kesan saluran paip.

From the early 90 century,HDPE Water Pipe the state vigorously applied the plastic pipe, and formulated a series of policies, systems, standards, but also accumulated a lot of experience. Development to today, already has a perfect product standards, testing methods and testing means, construction engineering specifications, etc., thus agreeing to product specifications and quality indicators, to achieve the interchangeability of products. This shows that the development of the pipeline has entered a mature stage, product quality and construction quality are guaranteed, thus ensuring the use of the pipeline effect.

HDPE tube In the production process, some manufacturers in order to reduce costs, access to more benefits, will use some of the material to produce, but often these materials produced by the material will allow users to appear a variety of security risks.

Mari lihat apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk membuat tiub HDPE.

Roughly divided into recycled materials and crushed materials, including medical waste, chemical waste, etc., to the human body is very harmful.

Ciri-ciri Produk

1. Basic characteristics: High-density polyethylene is a kind of opaque white waxy material, the proportion is lighter than water, the proportion is 0.941 ~ 0.960, soft and toughness, but slightly harder than LDPE, but also slightly elongation, non-toxic, tasteless.

2. Combustion characteristics: Flammable, can continue to burn after fire, the upper end of the flame is yellow, the lower end is blue, the combustion will melt,HDPE Water Pipe there is liquid dripping, no black smoke out, at the same time, emitting paraffin burning odor

3. Kelebihan utama: ketahanan asid dan alkali, pelarut organik, penebat elektrik yang sangat baik, suhu rendah, masih dapat mengekalkan ketangguhan tertentu. Kekerasan permukaan, kekuatan tegangan, ketegaran Pipa Air HDPE dan kekuatan mekanik lain lebih tinggi daripada LDPE, dekat dengan PP, daripada ketangguhan pp, tetapi permukaannya tidak seperti pp

Sebahagian penggunaan produk

1. Arena Board (Lembaga hoki ais); 2. Rangka beg galas; 3. Plat kalis peluru; 4. Tutup botol; 5. Sistem paip yang tahan terhadap kakisan kimia; 6. Penebat dalaman kabel sepaksi; 7. Bekas simpanan makanan; 8. Tangki bahan api automotif; 9. Perlindungan kakisan saluran paip keluli; 10. Kotak elektrik dan Paip; 11. Kanta inframerah jauh; 12. Kerusi Lipat dan meja; 14. Sistem Paip Pemindahan haba panas bumi 15. mortar bunga api tahan panas; 16. Helmet keselamatan; 17. Hula gelung; 18. Sistem paip Pengedaran Gas Asli

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